W/we have talked over things and straightened out a few things and a NEW set of protocols have been agreed to, so that W/we are going to see if they will work better and that way what W/we had stays and only gets stronger...
Now as fate would have it, the Gods have seen fit to drive U/us nuts again though.... Over the past week littleone has been off work fighting what the first set of Doctors claimed was a 5 day Flu, well the the second set of Doctors have now found out that littleone has pneumonia and has been given some badly needed meds and told to stay off work for another 48 hours, of course littleone is going nuts because it is tax receipt time and she believes that SHE is the ONLY one that can do them, well she is only partly correct, she is the ONLY one that can do them CORRECTLY....
Saying all that W/we were only able to get to play a bit on the weekend, something littleone and I were looking forward to.... littleone wrote in her blog what she did when she purchased My St. Valentine's Day gift and here are some of the results, OHHHhh how I do love a slave that puts their own feet into their own mouths or in this case their pussies LOL......