This is how littleone was looking this morning and I am feeling sad for her mostly since W/we were suppose to be on O/our way the the annual WITW ( Weekend in the Woods ) BDSM camp that W/we both were looking forward to attending.....
I don't really know at this time what is wrong with her except she tells Me every bone in her body is killing her and she was walking like a 100+ year old when she went for her morning smoke, she is now in bed and I would strongly think feeling really sad for all her hard work getting ready for the camp ( see the pic ) will now be wasted..
she has just crawled downstairs in tears saying how sorry she is she has ruined the trip and that I should take O/our friend Cloud in her place, but hell what fun would that be, not that Cloud isn't a good fellow and all, but hell is just wouldn't be the same without My littleone!!!!
Maybe, although I sure as hell won't push it ( yes, GOS is still around ) littleone will be better latter today or tomorrow to want to hit the road. Personally, I think W/we should just forget about the money W/we paid for the camp and get My littleone back in 100% shape so I can beat the hell out of her, don't you agree folks???