On the weekend W/we attended VASEcon “VT's first all-day kink conference” and it was a wonderful conference although W/we only attended 2 of the many seminars. The organizers even arranged for a fire drill in the rain. All the people that ran this event and those who gave the seminars must take a bow for a lovely job that I could see. I am looking forward to the next VASEcon to be held.
Now the main reason for attending was morningstar wanted to and for Me to learn how to use a cane better than I have been, the instructor, switchme, was great as far as I am concerned and I know morningstar also thinks the same as her blog tells about it since she was the instructor's test subject for the lecture ( I was proud of her volunteering while I was pushing her hand up ☺ ). I was very proud of her after the caning she got.
Once the lectures were over, the many vendors that the organizers brought in were allowed to sell their wares and there was my pleasure and downfall. The vendors that attended had wonderful things too wonderful ( as the photo shows ), as I spent more money than I had or will have in the next couple of months, but my thanks go out to Knotty Designs for their lovely gray/orange rope flogger, TotemX Creations for the rabbit mitten complete with pen nib talons, RopeExtremes for the brilliant and vibrant bronze and silver rope and Spankysleather for the black leather 3-in-1 slapper ( he even threw in very nice simple brown leather slapper ).
Now, I did do a simple test of these new toys on morningstar's ass the next morning butt since it was still sore and marked from switchme's lecture I haven't really tested them out properly that their creators meant them to do, butt it will happen..... oh trust Me on the score.