Well the report card is in and I failed the weekend... First off W/we went to the curling outing for My military association and was it was to be My first assignment since I became an Ensign and My new position, the Garrison photographer, and the camera battery ran out of power :-( the only thing that is going to save My butt is the " old " Garrison photographer was there so he carried on taking the pictures. Oh I also found out that he was promoted to the rank of second in command at the time I becoming a Ensign, and I should have known that, another goof...
The bigger failing grade was with My littleone this weekend. I know she doesn't like change and having to show up at My new digs is a large change for her! Having her over here and without the toys she has become accustomed to was too much for her I think since Sunday was a lost cause. Oh, I tried to use a small strap that I have in My Black bag that I have to use on other subs that wish to play without using My littleone's toys ( a safety thing ), I ordered her over to a chair and to stand and I started in on her ass, nothing really so I changed to My hands and still nothing really, but I did think I would get some reaction in My mind but all I really got was an afternoon of a subbie on the sofa pouting or at least that is the way I read it.
W/we had Chinese food for Saturday's noon lunch and the left overs I thought My littleone would like to take home butt even that failed she left them all and took none home even though I told her to..
I am wondering if that old saying is really true, you can't teach an old dog new tricks for I have tried to please her in the ways of BDSM and I keep failing over and over again. I know she is a good slave/subbie/servant and deserves better, a Master that can handle all her needs not one that continues to fail the grade, I guess I should turn in My " Sir " commission?