Yesterday, I drove up to Ottawa ( My Nation's Capital, of the Great White North ) to
Breathless, a BDSM center and much more, to attend a workshop on "
D/s and welcome to the BDSM life " presented by
Lord_Omy and his slave. He started off His presentation with a little story that I have placed below, it isn't too long, but I rather think you will enjoy as I can think of a couple of people for sure. As I sat there listening to Him read it, it started Me thinking about the past 10 years with morningstar and what O/our relationship had meant and what it had become.
He then went on to talk about what He called the " 4 Keys of BDSM", (1) Open and honest communications, (2) Trust (3) Respect (4) Consent, something I think I tried to follow, with a couple mistakes along the way.
It was a very good workshop and maybe someday you too will be lucky enough to hear
Lord_Omy speak on this topic.
Now, here is that story I promised you...
The Teacup - thoughts on submission
A couple vacationing in Europe went strolling down a little street and saw a quaint little shop with a beautiful teacup in the window. The lady collected teacups and she wanted this one for her collection, so she went inside to pick up the teacup and as the story goes the teacup spoke and said :
“ I want you to know that I have not always looked like this. It took the process of pain to bring me to this point. You see, there was a time when I was just clay and the Master came and he pounded me and he squeezed me and he kneaded me and I screamed: “ Stop that!”
But he just smiled and said, “ Not yet.”
Then he took me and put me on the shelf and I went round and round and round and round and while I was spining and getting dizzier and dizzier I screamed again and I said “ Please get me off this thing, please get me off!” And the Master was looking at me and he was smiling , as he said, “ Not yet.”
Then he took me and walked toward the oven and shut the door and turned up the heat and I could see him through the window of the oven and it was getting hotter and hotter and hotter and I thought, “ He’s going to burn me to death.”
And I started pounding on the inside and I said, “ Master, let me out, let me out!” I could see that he was smiling , as he said, “ Not yet.”
Then he opened the door and I was fresh and free and he took me out of the oven and he put me on the table and then he got some paint and a paintbrush. He stated dabbling on me and making swirls all over me and I started to gag and I said: “Master, stip it please, your making me gag.” He just smiled as he said, “Not yet.”
Then very gently he picked me up again and he stated walking towards the overn and I said, “ Master, no! Not again pleeeease!” He opened the over door and he slopped me inside and he shut the door and this time he turned the heat up twice as hot as before and I thought, “ He’s going to kill me!”
I looked throught the window of the oven and I started to pound saying, “ Master, Master, please let me out! Please let me out.” I could seee that he was smiling but I also noticed a tear trickle down his cheek as I watched him moutht he words, “ Not yet.”
Just as I thought I was about to die, the door opened and he reached in ever so gently and took me out, fresh and free, and he went and placed me on a high shelf and he said: “ There, I have created what I intended. Would you like to see yourself?”
I said, “ yes. “
He handed me a mirror and I looked and I looked again and I said, “ that’s not me. I’m just a lump of clay.”
He said, “ Yes, that is you, but it took the process of pain to brinf you to this place. Had I not worked you when you were clay, then you would have dried up. If I had not subjected you to the stress of the wheel you would have crumbled. If I had not out you into the heat of the oven you would have cracked. If I had not painted you there would be no color in your life. But, it was the second oven that gave you the strength to endure. Now you are everything I intedned you to be from the beginning.”
And I, the teacup, heard myself saying something I never thought I would hear myself saying, “ Master, forgive me! I did not trust you. I thought you were going to harm me. I did not know you had a glorious future and a hope for me. I was too shortsighted, but I want to thank you. I want to thank you for the suffering. I want to thank you for the process of pain. Here I am! I give you myself. Fill me, pour from me, use me as you see fit. I really want to be a vessel that brings you glory within my life.”
- - Author Unknown
I hope you enjoyed the story as much as I did and got it's message.
Also, I just wanted to say My
thanks to
Miss Jenn for taking the time out of her always busy personal and business life to sit down and talk to Me. She is a
WONDERFUL person, that I will always call My friend and if she ever calls on Me for a favor or assistance, I will be there in a shot.
Thanks Jenn, You taught Me to see things in a different light....